Common Facility

We organized the common facility (2020.04.01). The equipments listed below are currently available. Policy Regulation and price (Effective 2022.04.01)

※Instraction seminar will be held on Oct 28th.

If you plan to use the equipments, please register through the link below by Nov 11th. The application form also needs to be submitted by the PI.

Registration form(signed up by each user)
Application form(submitted by the PI)

1. nanoLC-mass spectrometer (Quadrupole-Orbitrap) (Thermo Fisher Scientific; Q-Exactive, Easy-nLC 1000)
Building S2, Room 605
Personal use: limited, Requested measurements: inquire
【Contact:Tatsuya Niwa, Email: tniwa(at),
TEL: 5784】
2.nanoLC-mass spectrometer(Quadrupole-Time of Flight Type )(SCIEX; TripleTOF6600, Eksigent nanoLC 400)
Building S2, Room 305-2
Personal use: limited, Requested measurements: inquire
【Contact:Tatsuya Niwa, Email: tniwa(at), TEL:5784】
3.Confocal Super Resolution Microscope System(Olympus; IXplore SpinSR)
Building S2, Room 211
Personal use: possible, Requested measurements: inquire
【Contact:Naonobu Fujita, Email: nafujita(at),
TEL: 5131】
4.Cell Sorter(Sony; SH800)
Building S2, Room 604-1
Personal use: possible, Requested measurements: inquire
【Contact;Yuko Sato, Emai:satoy(at),
TEL: 5742】
Cell Sorter
5.Image scanner(Cytiva; Amersham Typhoon scanner RGB)
Building S2, Room 604-1
Personal use: possible, Requested measurements: inquire
【Contact:Tatsuya Niwa, Email: tniwa(at), TEL:5784】
Cell Sorter

Please contact the person in charge of the respective equipment for information on its use.
New facilities will be available in April, 2021. List

 Common Facility Team, Cell Biology Center
Hiroshi Kimura, Hiroshi Iwasaki, Hideki Taguchi, Fumi Kano, Naonobu Fujita

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